Dr Maiko Kawabata

Dr. Maiko Kawabata is an award-winning musicologist and violinist educated at Cambridge University (B.A.) and the University of California, Los Angeles (Ph.D.). She joined the Royal College of Music in 2017 having previously held positions on the faculties of the University of Edinburgh, University of East Anglia, and the State University of New York, Stony Brook. Her main research interest is in the history of musical performance, with a focus on extremes of solo violin playing – convention-breaking styles and ideas such as virtuosity and unplayability. She is the author of Paganini, the 'Demonic' Virtuoso and a co-editor of Exploring Virtuosities: Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst, Nineteenth-Century Musical Practices and Beyond. She has also published articles on Stradivari, Paganini, Berlioz, Rimsky-Korsakov, Schoenberg, Heifetz, Gilles Apap and Patricia Kopatchinskaja. She has presented her research at the American Musicological Society, the Institute of Musical Research, and numerous international conferences.
Dr. Kawabata studied violin with John Crawford and the late Nona Liddell and has wide experience playing in orchestras and chamber ensembles throughout the UK, USA, and Germany. She performed Schoenberg with the late Leonard Stein (Monday Evening Concerts, Los Angeles), Schnittke with the Modern Art Sextet (Konzerthaus Berlin), and Stockhausen with Apartment House (Cut&Splice Festival, broadcast on BBC Radio 3).
Dr. Kawabata was the co-organiser (with Dr. Shzr Ee Tan, Royal Holloway) of the 2019 Study Day: Cultural Imperialism and the New ‘Yellow Peril’ in Western Classical Music. She received an AHRC grant to further her research into Japanese composer Kikuko Kanai (1906 - 1986), whose music has been broadcast on BBC Radio 3. Dr. Kawabata spoke about her research into Kikuko Kanai on the BBC Arts & Ideas podcast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0b0y84m
Selected publications
Kawabata M (2023), The new "Yellow Peril" in "Western" European symphony orchestras, in A Bull, C Scharff & L Nooshin (eds.), Voices for Change in the Classical Music Profession: New Ideas for Tackling Inequalities and Exclusions, Oxford University Press [ISBN 9780197601211].
Hoppe C, von Goldbeck M & Kawabata M (eds.) (2018), Exploring Virtuosities: Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst, Nineteenth-Century Musical Practices and Beyond, Olms [ISBN 978-3-487-15662-0].
Kawabata M (2015), Playing the ‘unplayable’: Schoenberg, Heifetz, and the Violin Concerto, op. 36, Journal of Musicological Research, 34 (1), 31-50 [DOI].
Kawabata M (2014), How Gilles Apap's new cadenza illuminates Mozart, via Bakhtin, ECHO, 12.1 [LINK].
Kawabata M (2014), The aura of Stradivari’s violins, Ad Parnassum 12 (23), 61-74 [LINK].
Kawabata M (2007), Virtuosity, the violin, and the devil . . .what really made Paganini "demonic"?, Current Musicology, 83 [LINK].
Kawabata M (2004), The concerto that wasn’t: Paganini, Urhan and Harold in Italy, Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 1 (1), 67-114 [DOI].
Kawabata M (2004), Virtuoso codes of violin performance: power, military heroism, and gender (1789-1830), Nineteenth Century Music, 28 (2), 89-107 [DOI].
Faculties / departments: Research, Academic staff, Programmes
For enquiries please contact:
Dr Maiko Kawabata
Doctoral Supervisor, Reader in Music
0207 591 4753