Professor Terence Charlston


Terence Charlston is a specialist performer on early keyboard instruments, particularly harpsichord, clavichord and organ. His career encompasses many complementary roles including solo and chamber musician, choral and orchestral director, teacher and academic researcher. His fascination with surviving instruments and musical sources as witnesses of lost performances have made him a frequent performer at collections of early keyboard instruments all over the world. He was a member of the quartet London Baroque between 1995 and 2007 and the ensemble Florilegium between 2011 and 2019. In recent years, he has developed a particularly close affinity with the clavichord, recording music by Froberger, and 20th- and 21st-century music including his own compositions. 

Terence is an important advocate of European keyboard music of the 17th and 18th centuries — a reflection of his artistic fascination with and critically acclaimed interpretations of this repertoire — and he has initiated many pioneering concerts and recording projects. These include editions and recordings of Carlo Ignazio Monza, Albertus Bryne, William Byrd’s My Ladye Nevell Booke, Matthew Locke’s complete organ and harpsichord music, and manuscripts and instruments belonging to the Royal College of Music and many other international collections. His current research interests focus on the analysis of keyboard music, particularly counterpoint, as an aural and performed experience.

A dedicated and much sought-after teacher, he has given a significant lead for the training of younger players and for the development of practice-led research at several prestigious British conservatoires and universities, including the Royal Academy of Music, London where he founded the Department of Historical Performance in 1995.  He is Professor of Harpsichord and Chair of Historical Keyboard Instruments at the Royal College of Music, London. He was awarded the honorary Fellowship of the RCM in 2020. 


Selected presentations

Charlston T (2020), Performing Bach's ‘Well-tempered Clavier’: structure, variation, motive and timbre [LINK].

Selected publications

Windram HF, Charlston T, Tomita Y & Howe CJ (2022), A phylogenetic analysis of two Preludes from J. S. Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier II, Early Music, 50 (3), 373–393 [DOI].

Woolley A, Windram HF & Charlston T (2021), English keyboard music c.1650-c.1700: a series of facsimiles of manuscript sources, vol. 2: London, Lambeth Palace Library, MS 1040, Norsk Musikforlag [LINK].

Charlston T (2020), Patterns of play: Orlando Gibbons, Simon Lohet, and J. S. Bach’s Fugue in E Major BWV 878/2. Part II, Clavichord International, 24 (1), 7-14 [LINK].

Selected recordings

Charlston T and Perkins J (2023), Chit chat: music for two clavichords, Prima Facie PFCD 214 [LINK].

Charlston T (2020), Froberger: complete Fantasias and Canzonas, Divine Art DDA 25204 [LINK].

Charlston T (2020), A complete recording of the contents of Royal College of Music, London, Manuscript 2093 with additional keyboard pieces by Gerhard Diesineer and John Moss [LINK].

Charlston T (2015), Mersenne’s clavichord: music from sixteenth- and seventeenth-century France, Divine Art DDA 25134 [LINK].

Photo credit: Ben McKee

See also Visit website

Faculties / departments: Historical Performance, Research, Academic staff

Latest Publications

Charlston, T. (2024) Review article: Anthology of Early Keyboard Methods: Revised, enlarged and translated by Barbara Sachs and Barry Ife. Peacock Press, 2023. Harpsichord & Fortepiano ISSN 0953-0797 (print) (In Press)

Charlston, T. (2024) Bach: the great Toccata [documentary by Daniel Moult]. [Video] (In Press)

Charlston, T. (2024) National Treasures: Vermeer in Edinburgh. [Audio]

Charlston, T. (2023) A perspective on historical keyboard playing in the UK. Harpsichord & Fortepiano, 28 (1) ISSN 0953-0797 (print)

Charlston, T. (2023) Playing the pedal clavichord. Organists' Review ISSN 0048-2161

Charlston, T. and Perkins, J. (2023) Chit chat: music for two clavichords. [Audio]

Windram, H. F. and Charlston, T. and Tomita, Y. and Howe, C. J. (2022) A phylogenetic analysis of two Preludes from J. S. Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier II. Early Music, 50 (3) pp. 373-393. ISSN 0306-1078 (print) 1741-7260 (online)

Charlston, T. (2022) Ernst Wilhelm Wolf, ed. Ryan Layne Whitney, collected solo keyboard sonatas, 3 vols (2021), Harpsichord & Fortepiano, 27 (1) pp. 31-32. ISSN 0953-0797 (print)

Charlston, T. (2022) The Orgelbüchlein as pedal clavichord music. Harpsichord & Fortepiano, 27 (1) pp. 11-15. ISSN 0953-0797 (print)

Charlston, T. (2022) Re-editing the English virginalists: The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, edited by Jon Baxendale and Francis Knights. Lyrebird Music, 2020. 3 volumes. My Lady Nevells Booke, edited by Jon Baxendale and Francis Knights. Lyrebird Music, 2021. Parthenia and Parthenia In-Violata, edited by Jon Baxendale and Francis Knights. Lyrebird Music, 2021. Journal of the Royal College of Organists ISSN 0969-1642

Charlston, T. (2021) Edmund Hooper (c. 1553–1621): 5 Keyboard Pieces performed on clavichord, Flemish harpsichord and chamber organ by Terence Charlston with ‘Some notes on the clavichord and the virginalists’. [Website]

Woolley, A. and Windram, H. F. and Charlston, T. (2021) English keyboard music c.1650-c.1700: a series of facsimiles of manuscript sources, vol. 2: London, Lambeth Palace Library, MS 1040. Norsk Musikforlag, Oslo.

Charlston, T. (2020) Grove Music Online article: Evans, David. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Charlston, T. (2020) Prelude. [Composition] (Unpublished)

Charlston, T. (2020) Froberger: complete Fantasias and Canzonas. [Audio]

Charlston, T. (2020) Patterns of play: Orlando Gibbons, Simon Lohet, and J. S. Bach’s Fugue in E Major BWV 878/2. Part II. Clavichord International, 24 (1) pp. 7-14. ISSN 1387-0882

Charlston, T. (2020) A complete recording of the contents of Royal College of Music, London, Manuscript 2093 with additional keyboard pieces by Gerhard Diesineer and John Moss. [Audio]

Charlston, T. (2020) Performing Bach's ‘Well-tempered Clavier’: structure, variation, motive and timbre. [Video]

Charlston, T. (2020) Three duets for mezzo-soprano and baritone. [Composition] (Unpublished)

Charlston, T. (2019) Patterns of play: Orlando Gibbons, Simon Lohet and J. S. Bach’s Fugue in E major BWV 878/2. Part I. Clavichord International, 23 (2) pp. 39-48. ISSN 1387-0882

Charlston, T. (2019) Clavichord initiatives at the Royal College of Music, London. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (74) pp. 41-42. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)

Charlston, T. (2019) The true art of not giving up the clavichord. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (74) pp. 44-45. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)

Charlston, T. (2019) David Evans 1936–2018: an appreciation. Harpsichord and Fortepiano, 23 (2) pp. 13-18.

Charlston, T. and Solomon, A. (2019) Bach: Cantatas 106 and 182, Amici Voices and Amici Baroque Players. [Audio]

Charlston, T. and Solomon, A. (2019) Music for a king: chamber works from the court of Frederick the Great. [Audio]

Andersson, B. T. and Charlston, T. (2019) Johan Helmich Roman: Svit i D-dur (Suite in D) "Lilla Drottningholmsmusiken". Swedish Musical Heritage, The Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Stockholm.

Andersson, B. T. and Charlston, T. (2019) Johann Helmich Roman: Bilägers Musiquen (Drottningholmsmusiken). Swedish Musical Heritage, the Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Stockholm.

Charlston, T. (2019) Hommage. [Composition] (Unpublished)

Charlston, T. (2018) Obituary: David Evans, harpsichord maker who paved the way for a revival in the instrument’s fortunes. Daily Telegraph ISSN 0307-1235 (print) 2059-7487 (online)

Charlston, T. (2018) Curating counterpoint: the lyrical imagination and the performance of Johann Jacob Froberger's legacy. [Video]

Crowell, G. and Charlston, T. (2018) An interview with Terence Charlston. Clavichord International, 22 (2) pp. 38-44. ISSN 1387-0882

Charlston, T. (2018) Arpeggiando; Arpeggio; Birnbaum, Johann Abraham; Brunold, Paul; Chambonnières, Jacques Champion, Sieur de; Denis, Jean. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)

Charlston, T. (2018) Clavichord. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 136-138. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)

Charlston, T. (2018) Fingering (1) keyboard instruments. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 227-231. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)

Charlston, T. (2018) Frescobaldi, Girolamo Alessandro; Gasparini; Moscheles, Ignaz (Isaac); Neidhardt, Johann Georg; Suzuki, Masaaki. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)

Charlston, T. (2018) Preluding. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 509-510. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)

Charlston, T. (2018) Spinet. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 581-582. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)

Charlston, T. (2018) Temperament. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 603-605. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)

Charlston, T. (2018) Virginal. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 674-675. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)

Charlston, T. (2018) Five pieces for two clavichords. [Composition] (Unpublished)

Charlston, T. (2018) Harpsichord. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 287-292. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)

Charlston, T. and Solomon, A. (2017) Handel: German Arias & Trio Sonatas. [Audio]

Charlston, T. (2017) Playing from open score 2: Kerll’s Ricercata for a barrel organ. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (67) pp. 3-8. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)

Charlston, T. (2016) Searching fantasy: Froberger’s fantasias and ricercars four centuries on. Journal of the Royal College of Organists, 10 pp. 5-27. ISSN 0969-1642

Charlston, T. (2016) A four-stave transcription of Froberger’s Ricercar, FbWV 412: why play contrapuntal music from open score notation? Clavichord International, 20 (2) p. 57. ISSN 1387-0882

Charlston, T. (2016) Playing from open score 1: Froberger’s Fantasia, FbWV 206. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (66) pp. 3-9. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)

Hickman, P. and Charlston, T. (2016) Interview with Terence Charlston. Harpsichord & Fortepiano Magazine, 21 (1) pp. 8-14.

Solomon, A. and Charlston, T. (2016) Telemann: Concertos & Cantata Ihr Völker Hört. [Audio]

Charlston, T. (2016) Adieu m'amour: music from the time of Agincourt. [Audio]

Charlston, T. (2015) Mersenne’s clavichord: music from sixteenth- and seventeenth-century France. [Audio]

Charlston, T. (2015) J. S. Bach: Allegro, 2nd movement from Sonata in E, BWV 1016. Violin Exam Pieces 2016-2019, ABRSM Grade 7 . ABRSM, London.

Charlston, T. (2015) J. S. Bach: Andante, 3rd movement from Sonata in B minor BWV 1014. Violin Exam Pieces 2016–2019, ABRSM Grade 5 . ABRSM, London.

Windram, H. F. and Charlston, T. (2015) English keyboard music c.1650-1700: a series of facsimiles of manuscript sources vol. 1: London, Royal College of Music Library, MS 2093. Norsk Musikforlag, Oslo. ISBN 9788270937073

Solomon, A. and Charlston, T. (2014) Bach: Brandenburg Concertos. [Audio]

Windram, H. F. and Charlston, T. and Howe, C. J. (2014) A phylogenetic analysis of Orlando Gibbons's Prelude in G. Early Music, 42 (4) pp. 515-528. ISSN 0306-1078 (print) 1741-7260 (online)

Meyn, N. and Charlston, T. (2014) C. P. E. Bach: spiritual songs. [Audio]

Charlston, T. (2014) The harmonious Thuringian: music from the early years of Bach and Handel. [Audio]

Charlston, T. (2013) A discourse of styles: contrasting gigue types in the A Minor Jig from the Purcell Partial Autograph, GB-Lbl, MS Mus. 1. In: Interpreting Historical Keyboard Music: Sources, Contexts and Performance. Ashgate Historical Keyboard Series . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781409464266 (hardback) 9781138271944 (paperback) 9781315589596 (e-book)

Solomon, A. and Charlston, T. (2013) Couperin: Les Nations and Rebel: Caractères de la Danse. [Audio]

Meyn, N. and Charlston, T. and Bavington, P. (2012) C.P.E. Bach songs with clavichord: a conversation with Norbert Meyn and Terence Charlston. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (54) pp. 3-10. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)

Charlston, T. (2012) 'Now swift, now hesitating': the stylus phantasticus and the art of fantasy. Musica Antiqua, 1 (2) pp. 30-35. ISSN 2049-1514

Charlston, T. (2012) Book review: 'French organ music in the reign of Louis XIV' by David Ponsford. The Organ, 90 (359) pp. 55-56. ISSN 0030-4883 (print)

Charlston, T. (2011) The Barony Hall Organ and its wider context. The Organ, 90 (356) pp. 22-26. ISSN 0030-4883 (print)

Charlston, T. (2010) Concealed within? Liturgical organ music in the Selosse manuscript. The Organ, 89 (353) pp. 15-20. ISSN 0030-4883 (print)

Charlston, T. (2010) Edition review: Bach: Vier Zeugnisse für Präfekten des Thomanerchores (1743–1749): Faksimile und Transkription, ed. Andreas Glöckner. The Organ, 89 (351) p. 61. ISSN 0030-4883 (print)

Brown, R. and Charlston, T. (2010) Quantz: Flute Sonatas vol. 1. Uppernote Publications, London.

Brown, R. and Charlston, T. (2010) Quantz: Flute Sonatas vol. 2. Uppernote Publications, London.

Charlston, T. (2010) La chasse royale: keyboard manuscript of Antoine Selosse. [Audio]

Charlston, T. (2009) An instrument in search of its repertoire? The Theewes claviorgan and its use in the performance of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century keyboard music. Journal of the Royal College of Organists, 3 pp. 24-41. ISSN 0969-1642

Charlston, T. (2009) Carlo Ignazio Monza: Pièces Modernes pour le clavecin. Norskmusikforlag, Oslo. ISBN 978-82-7093-591-8

Charlston, T. (2009) Carlo Ignazio Monza: harpsichord music. [Audio]

Charlston, T. (2008) William Byrd: for my Ladye Nevell. [Audio]

Morgan, R. and Charlston, T. and Rolton, A. (2007) An interview with Terence Charlston and Alexander Rolton. Music Teacher p. 17. ISSN 0027-4461 (print) 2632-8658 (online)

Charlston, T. (2007) Albertus Bryne: keyboard music. [Audio]

Charlston, T. (2007) Albertus Bryne: keyboard music for harpsichord and organ. Norskmusikforlag, Oslo. ISBN 978-82-7093-567-3

Charlston, T. (2006) An introduction to Restoration keyboard music II: Bryne, Roberts and Moss. Harpsichord & Fortepiano, 11 (1) pp. 14-27. ISSN 0953-0797 (print)

Charlston, T. (2006) A visit to the GOArt project, Göteborg. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (36) pp. 13-16. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)

Charlston, T. (2006) An introduction to Restoration keyboard music I: Matthew Locke. Harpsichord & Fortepiano, 10 (2) pp. 26-36. ISSN 0953-0797 (print)

Charlston, T. (2006) Charles Wesley: Organ Concerto in G minor op. 2 no. 5. Norskmusikforlag, Oslo. ISBN 82-7093-558-1

Charlston, T. (2005) J. S. Bach arr. Terence Charlston: Concerto in D minor for organ (harpsichord) and strings after BWV 35 and 156. Peacock Press, Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge. ISBN 1–904846–1016

Charlston, T. (2004) Matthew Locke arr. Terence Charlston: thirteen keyboard pieces for harpsichord and organ. Peacock Press, Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge. ISBN 1–904846–0205

Solomon, A. and Charlston, T. (2003) Bach: Flute and Harpsichord Sonatas vol. 2. [Audio]

Charlston, T. (2003) Early keyboard instruments: the Benton Fletcher collection at Fenton House. [Audio]

Charlston, T. (2003) Matthew Locke: complete keyboard works. [Audio]

Gwilt, R. and Charlston, T. (2003) J. S. Bach: Organ Trio Sonatas vol. 1 transcribed for two violins and continuo. RG Editions, Edition Walhall, Magdeburg, Germany.

Gwilt, R. and Charlston, T. (2003) J. S. Bach: Organ Trio Sonatas vol. 2 transcribed for violin, viola and continuo. RG Editions, Edition Walhall, Magdeburg, Germany.

Gwilt, R. and Charlston, T. (2003) J. S. Bach: Organ Trio Sonatas vol. 3 transcribed for two violins and continuo. RG Editions, Edition Walhall, Magdeburg, Germany.

Solomon, A. and Charlston, T. (2000) Bach: Flute Sonatas vol. 1. [Audio]

Solomon, A. and Spencer, J. and Charlston, T. (1992) Il flauto dolce: Italian music from three centuries. [Audio]


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