RCM Museum digital resources

The Museum maintains and preserves more than 14,000 instruments, portraits, images and engravings. These items are used to support learning and research whenever possible and many are made available to a global public through an extensive programme of digitisation.
In addition, the RCM Library holds equally impressive collections of manuscripts, prints, letters, concert programmes and books.
To find out more about our objects and stories, we invite you to explore our online offer which includes our online catalogue, digital exhibitions and object videos, and engage with us on social media @RCMMuseum.
Object highlights
Below are a selection of videos showcasing some of our favourite items from the RCM Museum.
The Clavicytherium
Terence Charlston performs Anon., Incipit bo(nus tenor) Loenhardi (15th century)
The Spinet
Terence Charlston performs Matthew Locke, A Praeludium
The Double-Manual Harpsichord
Terence Charlston performs Arcangelo Corelli, Concerto III: Largo and Vivace
The Clavichord
Terence Charlston performs Johann Sebastian Bach, Sinfonia (Three-Part Invention) no.11 in G minor
RCM Museum catalogue
Browse the collections in the RCM Museum by clicking the button below.
Printed instrument catalogues
Printed versions of our catalogues and publication can be purchased through the RCM shop. All catalogues are also freely accessible online.
Part I: European wind instruments
Part Ia: European wind instruments
Part II: Keyboard instruments
Part III: European stringed instruments
Digital exhibitions

Four ivory woodwind instruments. This image is part of the online exhibition on Google Arts & Culture - Top 10: Highlights of the Royal College of Music Museum.
The Royal College of Music was the first music conservatoire to partner with the Google Cultural Institute, opening up our collections to audiences around the world. Our museum and library curate a range of interactive digital exhibitions, drawing on key social and historical themes to enrich our understanding of music history.
Our digital exhibitions are hosted on Google Arts & Culture. Explore our collections from the comfort of your own home!