Great Exhibitionists: The Colour Chamber

02 April 2025, 2:00pm

Performance Studio

Pay What You Can

Our Pay What You Can model allows you to choose a ticket price that works for you, from £2 to £15, with a free option to ensure our events are accessible to all audience members.

Any donation you are able to make will directly support our talented students and help us to provide a first-class educational experience for this next generation of professional musicians.

A man sits in a red room looking at a projection of a stern looking man lit up in red

02 April 2025, 2:00pm

Performance Studio

Pay What You Can

Our Pay What You Can model allows you to choose a ticket price that works for you, from £2 to £15, with a free option to ensure our events are accessible to all audience members.

Any donation you are able to make will directly support our talented students and help us to provide a first-class educational experience for this next generation of professional musicians.

Daniel Solomons The Colour Chamber

The relationship between man and machine, especially recently, is becoming more and more charged. At the same time as exciting technological developments, there is a strong human fear – where is the line between human and superhuman? 

The Colour Chamber is a thought experiment that combines sound, colour and machine. The idea is to influence all your senses to take you on a short psychological journey, while the audience observing you from the outside, and sees your facial expressions. 

Immerse yourself in powers of the unhuman – you just walk in the chamber, and the rest will happen to you.

Visit the Great Exhibitionists page for the full programme of events.

Please be aware that this performance is not suitable for younger audiences.

Plan your visit

Royal College of Music
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BS

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