Dr Ingrid Pearson

BMus (Hons), Dip Ed, PhD, LTCL, LMusA, SFHEA, HonRCM

Ingrid Pearson performs as a clarinettist in the arenas of historical and contemporary performance. She has recorded for DG Archiv and performed with major UK period ensembles including the English Baroque Soloists, The English Concert, Florilegium, Gabrieli Consort and Players, The Hanover Band, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique, in venues including London’s Barbican, Queen Elizabeth and Royal Albert and Wigmore Halls, the Salzburg Mozarteum and New York’s Lincoln Centre. Activities on modern clarinet include an AHRC-funded exploration of 19-tone equally-tempered microtonality and chamber music with Ensemble Émigré.

In tandem with her practical work, Ingrid’s activities across research and scholarship embrace historical and contemporary performance practices. Her publications encompass iconography, musical listening, organology as well as aspects of teaching and learning in the Conservatoire environment. Translations of Ingrid’s work appear in Chinese, German and Spanish. 

Ingrid completed undergraduate studies at the University of Sydney. As a targeted graduate she was employed by the New South Wales Department of Education as both a classroom music teacher and tutor for the Performing Arts Unit. The award of an Overseas Research Scholarship then enabled Ingrid to move to the UK to undertake a PhD in performance practice at the University of Sheffield.

Following lectureships in the UK university sector Ingrid joined the RCM professoriate in 2005. She works across the College’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, and is the Area Leader for the MMus in Performance and Programme Leader for the BSc in Music and Physics. In addition to supervising doctoral students, Ingrid teaches Level 4 Historical Studies, Level 5 Writing about Music, Level 5 Interrogating Collection Materials, Level 6 Research Project, Level 6 and 7 Repertoire Project, Level 7 Performing Research: Researching Performance and Level 7 Research Project (Performance).

Selected publications

Pearson I (2018), ‘Articulation’, ‘Iconography’ and ‘Oral tradition’ in C Lawson & R Stowell (eds.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music, Cambridge University Press [DOI].

Pearson I (2017), Listening and performing: experiences of twentieth-century British wind players, in H Barlow & D Rowland (eds.), Listening to Music: People, Practices and Experiences [LINK].

Pearson I (2013), Research degrees in the conservatoire context: reconciling practice and theory, in S Harrison (ed.), Research and Research Education in Music Performance and Pedagogy (pp. 65-76), Springer [DOI].

Pearson I (2012), By word of mouth: historical performance comes of age, Performance Practice Review 17, 1, 21-36 [DOI].

Lawson C & Pearson I (2012), ‘Così fan tutte’ und der Charakter von E-Dur: Klangfarben der Klarinette', Acta Mozartiana, 59 (1), 36-44.

Pearson I (2007), Ferdinando Sebastiani, Gennaro Bosa and the Clarinet in Nineteenth-Century Naples, The Galpin Society Journal, 60, 203-214 [LINK].

Hair G, Pearson I, Morrison A, Bailey N, McGilvray D, & Parncutt R (2007), The Rosegarden Codicil: rehearsing music in nineteen-tone equal temperament, Scottish Music Review 1 (1), 99-126 [LINK].

Pearson I (2006), 18th- and 19th-century iconographical representations of clarinet reed position, in Z Blažekovic (ed.), Music in Art: International Journal for Music Iconography- special Chinese edition (pp. 143-154), Wuhan [ISBN 7-5354-3155-0].

View Ingrid's profile on Academia.eu. Visit website

Listen to Ingrid's lecture at Gresham College. Visit website

Faculties / departments: Historical Performance, Research, Academic staff

Latest Publications

Pearson, I. E. and Rice, A. R. (2024) Instructions for the clarinet: an illumination of musical taste in Georgian London. Ad Parnassum: A Journal of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Instrumental Music, 22 (43) ISSN 1722-3954 (print) 2421-6933 (online) (In Press)

Pearson, I. E. (2021) Discovering Robert Kahn. Clarinet & Saxophone, 46 (2) ISSN 0260-390X

Pearson, I. E. (2021) The clarinet in opera before 1830: instrument and genre come of age. In: The Clarinet. Eastman Studies in Music . University of Rochester Press, pp. 93-119. ISBN 9781648250170 (hardback) 9781800103498 (e-book) 9781800103504 (e-book) ISSN 1071-9989, v. 179

Meyn, N. and Pearson, I. E. and Sun, E. and Driver, D. (2021) Robert Kahn: Leaves from the tree of life. [Audio]

Pearson, I. E. (2020) The growing repute of the clarinet: interrogating traditional tunes and popular airs in late eighteenth-century tutors. In: Traditional Tunes and Popular Airs Conference: Exploring Musical Resemblance, 10-11 October 2020, Cecil Sharp House, London. (Unpublished)

Pearson, I. E. (2018) CD review: Franz Danzi, Music for Piano and Winds. Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 15 (3) pp. 1-3. ISSN 1479-4098 (print), 2044-8414 (online)

Pearson, I. E. (2018) Articulation. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 28-33. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781316257678 (e-book)

Pearson, I. E. (2018) Iconography. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 317-319. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781316257678 (e-book)

Pearson, I. E. (2018) Oral tradition. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 448-451. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781316257678 (e-book)

Pearson, I. E. (2018) Academy of Ancient Music (twentieth century); Berr, Frédéric; English Baroque Soloists; Florilegium; Gardiner, John Eliot. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)

Pearson, I. E. (2018) Lawson, Colin; Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment; Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century; Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique; Stowell, Robin. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)

Pearson, I. E. (2018) Übersichblasen-Untersichblasen [reed above/below]. In: Lexikon der Holzblasinstrumente: Oboe, Klarinette, Saxophon und Fagott – Baugeschichte und Spielpraxis – Komponisten und ihre Werke – Interpreten. Laaber, Laaber, Germany, pp. 747-748. ISBN 978-3-89007-866-3

Pearson, I. E. (2017) Listening and performing: experiences of twentieth-century British wind players. In: The Listening Experience Database Project Conference 2015 Listening to Music: People, Practices and Experiences, 24-25 October 2015, Royal College of Music.

Bailey, N. and South, A. and Pearson, I. E. and Dunlop, R. and Bok, H. and Nimmo, K. (2015) Developing a microtonal clarinet via wind controller and 3D printing. In: ClarinetFest, 22 - 26 July 2015, Madrid. (Unpublished)

Pearson, I. E. (2014) Research degrees in the conservatoire context: reconciling practice and theory. In: Research and Research Education in Music Performance and Pedagogy. Landscapes: the Arts, Aesthetics, and Education, 11 . Springer, Switzerland, pp. 65-76. ISBN 9789400774353

Hair, G. and Morrison, A. and Pearson, I. E. (2013) Ecstasy and enlightenment. [Audio]

Pearson, I. E. (2012) In contemplation of the clarinets at the Royal College of Music, London. In: Proceedings of the Clarinet and Woodwind Colloquium 2007: Celebrating the Collection of Sir Nicholas Shackleton. Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments, Edinburgh, pp. 141-150. ISBN 978 0 907635 59 8

Lawson, C. and Pearson, I. E. (2012) Così fan tutte und der Charakter von E-Dur: Klangfarben der Klarinette. Acta Mozartiana, 59 (1) pp. 36-44. ISSN 0001-6233

Pearson, I. E. (2012) By word of mouth: historical performance comes of age. Performance Practice Review, 17 (1) pp. 21-36. ISSN 1044-1638 (print) 2166-8205 (online)

Pearson, I. E. (2012) Engaging with the past: a practical manifesto. Musica Antiqua, 1 (1) pp. 34-38. ISSN 2049-1514

Pearson, I. E. (2011) Celebrating the past: treasures from the RCM collections [Gresham College lecture]. [Video]

Pearson, I. E. (2009) Review of 'The Clarinet' by Eric Hoeprich. The Galpin Society Journal, 62 pp. 292-293. ISSN 0072-0127

Pearson, I. E. (2007) The voice of heroic love: historical clarinets at the Royal College of Music, London. In: The Clarinet and Woodwind Colloquium 2007, 22-24 June 2007, Edinburgh University. (Unpublished)

Pearson, I. E. (2007) Ferdinando Sebastiani, Gennaro Bosa and the clarinet in nineteenth-century Naples. The Galpin Society Journal, 60 pp. 203-214. ISSN 0072-0127

Hair, G. and Pearson, I. E. and Morrison, A. and Bailey, N. and McGilvray, D. and Parncutt, R. (2007) The Rosegarden codicil: rehearsing music in nineteen-tone equal temperament. Scottish Music Review, 1 pp. 99-126. ISSN 1755-4934 (online)

Pearson, I. E. (2006) 18、19世纪美术作品中黑管哨片的位置 [18th- and 19th-century iconographical representations of clarinet reed position]. In: Music in Art: International Journal for Music Iconography: special Chinese edition. Changjiang Wenyi Chubanshe, Wuhan, pp. 143-154. ISBN 7-5354-3155-0

Pearson, I. E. (2002) Lefévre's sonatas for clarinet: a historical perspective. Clarinet & Saxophone, 27 (2) pp. 20-22. ISSN 0260-390X

Pearson, I. E. (2001) Thea King and Pamela Weston: a tribute, part II. The Clarinet, 28 (4) pp. 66-69. ISSN 0361-5553

Pearson, I. E. (2001) Thea King and Pamela Weston: a tribute, part I. The Clarinet, 28 (3) pp. 48-52. ISSN 0361-5553

Pearson, I. E. (2000) Playing historical clarinets. In: The Early Clarinet: A Practical Guide. Cambridge Handbooks to the Historical Performance of Music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 41-62. ISBN 9780521624596 (hardback) 9780521624664 (paperback) e-book (9780511059780)

Pearson, I. E. (2000) Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century iconographical representations of clarinet reed position. Music in Art: International Journal for Music Iconography,, 25 pp. 87-95. ISSN 1522-7464 (print) 2169-9488 (online)

Pearson, I. E. (1999) 'Verfolgt vom Klang der Klarinette seines Vaters': Über Blatt-Position, Ferruccio Busoni und die Klarinette im Italien des 19. Jahrhunderts ['Pursued by the sound of his father's clarinet': on reed position, Ferruccio Busoni, and the clarinet in 19th-century Italy]. Tibia: Magazin für Holzbläser, 24 (4) pp. 605-611. ISSN 0176-6511

Pearson, I. E. (1999) 'Interest, individuality and an endless pleasantness': the chalumeau in 18th-century Vienna. The Clarinet, 26 (3) pp. 56-59. ISSN 0361-5553

Pearson, I. E. (1999) The reed-above embouchure: fact or fallacy? Australian Clarinet and Saxophone, 2 (2) pp. 8-13.

Pearson, I. E. (1998) Delicacy, sentimentality and intimacy: the chalumeau as 'signifier'. ClarinetFest 1998

Pitfield, S. and Pearson, I. E. (1998) An interview with Colin Lawson. The Clarinet, 25 (3) pp. 56-59. ISSN 0361-5553


For enquiries please contact:

Dr Ingrid Pearson

Historical Clarinet professor, Senior Academic Tutor, Doctoral Supervisor



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