RCMJD fees and funding

RCMJD chamber group rehearsing
Fees are set for each academic year and are subject to increase as required. Unless otherwise explicitly agreed or arranged with the Head of Junior Programmes in advance, students are expected to take part in all elements of the core curriculum.

Each academic year has 30 teaching weeks, usually divided into three equal terms of 10 weeks each.

Fees for 2024-25 (2025-26 in brackets)

Core curriculum: £1,640 (£1,684) per term

  • First study (45 minutes per week)
  • Musicianship studies (1 hour per week)
  • Choral training (1 hour per week)
  • Orchestra (between 1 and 2 hours per week)
  • Ensemble (1 hour per week)

Additional individual study supplement: £404 (£414) per term

  • Additional individual study lesson (30 minutes per week)

Individual study extension: £202 (£207) per term

  • Extra 15 minutes per week individual tuition (where agreed by teacher and parent and at the discretion of the Head of Junior Programmes)

Mini-bass course: £646 (£663) per term

  • Individual mini-bass lesson (30 minutes per week)
  • Mini-bass group (between 45mins and 1 hour per week)
  • Choral training (1 hour per week)
  • Orchestra (up to 1 hour and 15 mins) for more advanced students where agreed by teacher and parent and at the discretion of the Head of Junior Programmes.

At the start of the mini-bass course fully insured instruments up to quarter-size are provided free of charge by the RCMJD. As a student progresses there is a possibility that they may outgrow the instruments in our collection and require one of a size or level that we cannot provide. We regret that we cannot cover the hire cost of mini-basses in these circumstances.

Applying for a Junior Department bursary

It is our aim that no student is prevented from attending the RCMJD for reasons of financial hardship. Bursaries are means-tested and allocated according to financial need.*

The application deadline for bursaries for the 2025-26 academic year will be the end of Thursday 1 May 2025.

If you wish to apply with help with 2025-26's RCMJD fees, please download the PDFs below and ensure that you have (or will have by the deadline) the information and supporting documentation that you will need to complete your application. Queries about the form's completion and requests for hard copies of the forms should be emailed to jd@rcm.ac.uk.

If you are the parent/carer of a student who is applying for a place starting in September 2025, we advise that you download and read through the form and completion guidance notes now, however please wait until you know whether your child has been offered a place before finalising and submitting your completed application.

If your child is already in the Department's main programme for the 2024-25 academic year and you need to enquire about making an application for support for the remainder of the current year, please contact us.

*Eligibility for financial support is judged in accordance with the criteria set out for HM Government's Music & Dance Scheme. For more information on income brackets and associated eligibility for support please contact us.


If you would like to speak to us about fees or bursaries please feel free to get in touch.

We would recommend emailing the team with your enquiry in the first instance. If you would prefer to speak to someone instead, please call the number below.

RCM Junior Department

General enquiries

+44(0)20 7591 4334 (11am-3pm Tues to Fri)


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